
Programming with c by venugopal
Programming with c by venugopal

programming with c by venugopal

Palgrave | Pearson | Penguin Books | Penram International Publishers | Permanent Black | Pharma Med Press | PHI | Piyush | Pragati Prakashan, Meerut | Pravalika | Prentice Hall of India | Pune Vidyarthi Griha | R. Chakraborti | Macmillan | Magical Book Service | Manan Prakashan | Master Mino | Mayur Books | McGraw Hill | Media Promoters | Medical Publishers | Medtech | Metropolitan Book | MK | Narosa | National Books | NBT India | NCBA | Nelson Thornes | Nemchand | New Age | New Central | Newnes NIIT | Nirali Prakashan | Nirav and Roopal | Nitin Prakashan | Orient BlackSwan | Oxford | Oxford and IBH Publishing | Kalaikathir Achchagam | Kalyani Publishers | Katson | Kedarnath | Ramnath | Khanna Publishers | Kings Books | Kitab Mahal | Kogan Page | Kogent | Krishna | Lakshmi Narain Agarwal | Laxmi | M.

programming with c by venugopal programming with c by venugopal

Shah | BC Publication | Benison Publication | BH | Bhanna Publishers | Biotech | Birla | Biztantra | Books and Allied | BPB | BSP | Butterworth Heinemann | Buzzing Stock Publisher | Cambridge | Career | CBS | Cengage | Charotar | Computech | Concept | CRC Press | Dayal | Denett | Dhanpat Rai | Dhawan | Diamond | Dnyansankul | Doaba House | Dreamtech | East West Press | EB | Elsevier | Finite to Infinite | Frank Bros & Co | Frontline | Galgotia | Garland | Goel | Himalaya Publishing House | Hiremath | Humana | IK | Innovative | Insight | International Book House | Jai Prakash | JAICO | Jain Brothers | Jain Prakashan | Jawahar | Title, Mastering C Author, Venugopal Publisher, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt Limited, 2006 ISBN, 0070616671, 9780070616677 Length, 854 pages. Answers to Exercises 19.AITBS | Academic Press | Affiliated East West | Allied Publishers | AMEXCEL | ANE Books | Anmol Publication | APH Asian | AtmaRam & Sons | B. Pedagogical features 217 solved examples 403 programming exercises 625 review exercises 124 figures of better understanding of the concepts Table of Contents Foreword Preface Acknowledgement 1. A chapter on UNIX highlighting the features of C in the UNIX environment. In-depth coverage of File Manipulations, Data Structures, Searching and Sorting. Key Features Clear exposition of the fundamental concepts of C. It includes theoretical concepts, plenty of programming examples, review questions and problems for practice. This book lucidly explains the basic features and syntax of the C language.

Programming with c by venugopal